Modification de la constitution océanienne

En marge du congrés de l’IAAF, se tenait un concil de l’OAA, durant lequel a été proposé, quelques "constitutional amendments". Ces dernier ont été votés et acceptés.
Ils vont permettre à La Nouvelle Calédonie, Wallis & Futuna et Niue de prendre part de manière officielle d’être membre associés de l’OAA.

Ci-aprés, le contenu de l’amendement:

New rule: 2.5 Associate membership

2.5.1 Associate membership of the OAA is open to an Island Federation that is:

    a. representing a territory of a national federation affiliated to IAAF that is not a member of the OAA; or

    b. a federation that is eligible to become a member of the IAAF that has not yet applied, or is in the process of applying for     membership.

2.5.2 An application to become an associate member of the OAA shall be approuved by concil and resulting associate membership may be revoked at any time by a resolution of the council.

 2.5.3 An associate member agrees to be subject to and abide by the constitutional rules of the OAA and other requirements of associate membership that may be determined by council from time to time.

2.5.4 An associate member shall be eligible to participate in OAA activities, including area and regional competitions and as an observer at any congress of the OAA, ans shall;

    a. meet travel cost incurred by the associate member

    b. not be eligible to nominate, or to be nominated, for election to council

    c. not be eligible to vote at any congress of the OAA.