Newsletter 3.4

Newsletter Volume 3 : Issue 4 : November 2005

Published quarterly by:
Oceania Athletics Coaches Association

C/- IAAF RDC Adelaide
P O Box 57, Kensington Park   SA 5068, Australia
Phone:  (61 8) 8354 2699
Fax: (61 8) 8354 2699

Tony Rice

French Translations:
Didier Poppe

Fletcher McEwen
Steve Hollings

Correspondence and contributions to:
Tony Rice
9 Lionheart Street
Forestdale, QLD 4118
Phone: (61 7) 3800 1823

In This Issue:

Oceania Grand Prix 2005     p3
OACA Calendar                        p4
2nd OACA Congress –  Palau 2005                            p5
IAAF Coaches Academy       p7
Forthcoming Congresses      p8

First IAAF Academy Course in Oceania

The first IAAF Academy Course to be held in the Oceania Area will be a Chief Coach Course.  It will be conducted at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, from 4th to 18th January 2006. 

The Course is aimed at those individuals within an organisation (national federation, academy, state, province, club, etc.) who have responsibility for leading and managing significant performance orientated programmes (performance/coaching directors, academy head coaches, team leaders etc.).  It aims to provide the coach with the relevant knowledge, understanding and practical experience to create an environment capable of delivering high levels of individual and team performance at specific events, and over multiple seasons.

This residential Course will be conducted in two parts.

Part A of the Course focuses on developing the coaching, leadership and management skills necessary for those appointed to leadership roles in coaching.  It is divided into three units – the Coaching Process, People Leadership and Management, and Process Leadership and Management.  Dr Cliff Mallett from the University of Queensland will lead this part of the course, supported by other lecturers from the University’s departments. 

Part B of the Course focuses on the practical aspects associated with delivering World Class performances.  Prof Elio Locatelli, Head of the IAAF’s Member Services Department will lead this part of the course. Presenters including Craig Handford (Great Britain), Fletcher McEwen (IAAF RDC Oceania Director) and Steve Hollings (IAAF HPTC Oceania Director) will support him.

In addition to attending the residential course, a number of directed assignments will be required for the course participant to undertake as part of a distance-learning programme.

The IAAF will fund most of the participants, although there is the possibility for a small number of self-funded participants to attend the Course.  These additional places are limited.  Details regarding them are available from Tony Rice, President, OACA, at 9 Lionheart Street, Forestdale QLD 4118, Australia, phone +61 7 3800 1823, or at

Further details of the IAAF Academy and its programmes and courses for coaches are available at its dedicated website –

Tony Rice


Patron : Arthur Eustace

Tony Rice
9 Lionheart Street
Forestdale QLD 4118
Phone: (61 7) 3800 1823

Vice President and Micronesia Representative:
David Little
c/- Kiribati AA   P O Box 249
Bairiki     Republic of Kiribati
Phone: (686) 22284

Fletcher McEwen OAM
c/- P O Box 57
Kensington Park   SA 5068
Phone:  (61 8) 8354 2699
Fax: (61 8) 8354 2699

Australia Representative:
Cliff Mallett
22 Broomfield Street
Taringa  QLD  4068
Phone: (61 7) 3371 8716

Melanesia Representative:
Jone Koroi
CorpusChristiTeachers College
P O Box 1173
Suva     Fiji

New Zealand Representative:
Alec McNab
101 Liverpool Street
Wanganui     New Zealand
Phone: (64 4) 384 6021
Polynesia Representative:
Daniel Vicente
BP 3064
Papeete, Tahiti
French Polynesia
IAAF Academy Update

The Academy programmes position as Level III in the current IAAF Coach Education and Certification Scheme (CECS) programmes.  Three formal programmes of the IAAF Academy are being developed, leading to the award of IAAF Academy (Level III) Coach.  Candidates for the award select one of the three strands available. 

The Chief Coach award is for those coaches who require specialist leadership and administrative skills (eg nation/club/relays, etc) that most technical-practical oriented coaches’ education programmes do not cover.

The IAAF has established that the first priority in the development of the Academy programmes is for countries to have a Chief Coach, and therefore the initial emphasis has been on initiating and rolling out this programme.  A pilot course was conducted in 2004, and a worldwide rollout of these courses commenced worldwide in 2005.  The rollout will continue during 2006 with courses already planned for Nairobi (Kenya), San Juan (Puerto Rico), Dakar (Senegal) and Moscow (Russia) in addition to the course to be held at Brisbane, Australia, in January. 

In addition to attending the residential course, a number of directed assignments are required for the coach to undertake as part of a distance-learning programme.

The Elite Coach award is for those coaches who work in the area of elite performance development. A Pilot Course for the Elite Coach Programme was conducted earlier this year, with participants representing all six of the IAAF’s Areas worldwide.  Two courses have been conducted during the second half of this year as part of the plan to roll out this course worldwide.  During 2006, courses are planned for Loughborough (UK), Littoral (South America), Singapore, and Brisbane (Australia).

The course content is divided into two major areas, Effective Management and Effective Coaching.  There are three parts to this course that the coach will pursue.  First, a self-managed continuous learning programme, to produce a paper on one aspect of coaching their selected event of study.  Secondly, participate in a mentor-led programme aimed at preparing a twelve-month coaching programme for an athlete they are coaching in the selected event of study.  Thirdly, successfully complete all requirements of the residential course.

The Professional Development Coach award is for the coach educators that national federations require to run their own domestic coach education system, and that the IAAF itself requires for operating the CECS.  The programme was given additional importance when the IAAF President announced his vision that each Member Federation should have at least one qualified coaching lecturer!  The Pilot Course for this programme will be held during April 2006 at Loughborough University, UK, and the course will be available worldwide from 2007 onwards.

Academy courses are conducted at Universities where there is an experienced school of human movement, and which have acknowledged quality distance-learning programmes.  There are currently more than ten universities around the world that have completed memorandums of understanding with the IAAF to conduct Academy courses.
IAAF High Performance Training Centre, Oceania
The Board of the High Performance Training Centre – Oceania met recently for their Annual Meeting at the Millennium Institute of Sport & Health (the “home” of the HPTC – Oceania) in Auckland, New Zealand. Members of the Board expressed their pleasure with the way that the HPTC – Oceania had progressed over the past twelve months. Bill Bailey, the Chairman of the Board, was joined by Anne Tierney, Dave Norris, and Dennis Miller, together with Yvonne Mullins, the Executive Director of Oceania AA, and Steve Hollings, the General Director of the HPTC – Oceania.

The members of the Board received a financial and operational report for the Centre; reviewed the progress of current scholarship holders; considered the appraisal of the HPTC – Oceania and its human and physical resources by the current scholarship athletes; and, recommended a number of new scholarships and considered the programme of proposed activities for the next twelve months.

Bill Bailey, in his opening comments said, “The IAAF High Performance Centre – Oceania has now completed its second year of operations.  And what a successful year it was with the eight scholarship athletes achieving no fewer than fifteen National records over the past twelve months.  In thanking the athletes themselves for their dedication and commitment to the task he concluded by saying, “There is no doubt that the IAAF High Performance Training Centre – Oceania, is an outstanding example of a well planned, professionally conducted Centre.  The cooperative approach to the preparation of high performance athletes in the sport of athletics in the Oceania Area, is a great success. The athletes’ performances are the “proof of the pudding.”

Education Opportunities for Athletes Increased

After travel to competitions at the South Pacific Mini Games in Palau and the World Athletics Championships in Helsinki, the scholarship athletes returned in early September refreshed and ready for another period of preparation and future competitions.  However, added to this scenario, the athletes are facing another challenge – a return to school.  Six of the athletes have been enrolled at Kip McGrath Education Centres in order that they can improve and enhance their education skills.  Each of the six will undergo an individualised programme where they will concentrate on increasing their level of competency in a variety of subjects.

Two current scholarship holders are currently undertaking tertiary studies, and it is hoped that the studies being undertaken at the Kip McGrath Education Centre will prepare the others to undertake tertiary study in the future. 

“I am pleased that we have been able to utilise the services of the Kip McGrath Education Centre locally.  We have been able to fit the lessons around the athletes training sessions – something that is difficult in a formal school setting.  This venture and undertaking has been one of my key assignments this year as I know how vitally important it is that we enrich these athlete’s lives by giving them the skills to be able to succeed in a life outside of athletics,” said HPTC Director Steve Hollings.

Nestlé Supply Product to HPTC – Oceania

International food producer Nestlé, through their New Zealand company, has agreed to supply a range of their products to the HPTC – Oceania.  The products will include Milo, the beverage, and a range of Maggi products including instant noodles, instant snacks, and soups.  The products will be used mainly in the Recovery Bar that has been established at the HPTC – Oceania, as a source for athletes to “snack” between training sessions and main meals.   The arrangement is an ongoing supply agreement.

“We are delighted that such a well known and internationally respected company has decided to join with us to make the high performance environment that we are trying to create, such a reality.  Without doubt, this generosity from Nestlé will make a direct impact and a difference to the scholarship athletes here at the HPTC – Oceania,” commented Steve Hollings, the HPTC – Oceania General Director.

“Kristen MacKenzie, our Nutritional Consultant, was, through her affiliation with Nestlé, instrumental in sourcing this product.  Kristen, in conjunction with Nestlé, has authored and published a book Fit Food for Winners – Nestlé Cookbook which was launched on 27th October,” he added.

IAAF Rule Changes

The IAAF Congress, meeting in Helsinki prior to the World Championships this year, considered a mammoth 279 proposals for changes to IAAF Rules!   After lengthy debate 206 were passed.  Although no major amendments were made to existing rules, a considerable number of changes represented re-wording or editorial changes to existing rules to ensure consistency and clarity.  Summarised below are some of the more significant changes for our coaches to be aware of.  Please note that this list does not include every single change made.  For this, coaches should refer to the full summary of changes as distributed by the IAAF.

Junior (under 20) mens hurdles height for international competition has been changed to 0.995m+/-.005. This means that qualification performance for international competition (ie world juniors) can now be achieved at this new height.

The Referee may now disqualify an athlete for deliberately knocking down a hurdle by any means – it is no longer restricted to actions by hand or foot.

The line-up for athletes in both 4x200m and 4x400m relays has been clarified.  In the ‘non-laned’ changeovers it is also now clear that athletes may “move in” to fill any vacant space in the line, provided the line-up order is not changed.

The field event competition order has been changed for international level competitions.  You should check with your national federation if and how they will implement the change in competitions over which they have jurisdiction.  The first change is that where there are eight or less athletes, and more than one has no valid trial in the first three rounds, those athletes shall compete in the last three rounds, before the other athletes, and in their original draw order.  The second change is that the competing order for the sixth round shall be reviewed, and follow the reverse ranking after the completion of the fifth round.

Following some complications with the rules regarding the plasticine no-jump indicators in horizontal jumps, three changes have been made.  The first is that placing sand beyond the take-off line instead of the plasticine board is no longer an option.  The second is that the plasticine board now has to be a different colour to the take off board, and where possible for the plasticine itself to be a third colour.  The third is that the plasticine on the top of the board be 10mm rather than 3mm.

There is now no specific requirement for the position of the cut to the tips of hammer gloves.  The fingers of the gloves (other than the thumb) are to be cut off.

It is not now a failure if the hammer touches the ground inside or outside the circle during the preliminary swings. The athlete may stop and begin again, provided no other rule has been broken, and there is time available.

The seeding rule in combined events has been clarified to provide for athletes being seeded according to their performances in each individual event (except the last) during the “qualifying period”, with athletes with similar performances being placed in the same group.

The new IAAF rules come into effect internationally on 1st January 2006.  However, coaches should check with their own national federation for the date they will implement them, as it may be different.  The full list of IAAF Rules is included in the IAAF publication Competition Rules for 2006-2007.   Coaches should check with their national federation for availability.

It should be noted that no practical change was made to the rules regarding false starts, despite eight proposals being made and considerable discussion and publicity before the Congress.  The rule from the past four years continues to operate.


Athletics Coach Education in New Zealand is being jumpstarted back into life with a number of coach education courses happening.  Canterbury and Waikato have been running Athletics New Zealand (ANZ) Level 1 modules in most events with a good turnout of new coaches.  Canterbury also just conducted an ANZ Level 2 Long Jump/Triple Jump course for which Peter Hannan from Australia was brought over.  Ten coaches attended this from all over the country with a good mix of ages and gender.  More importantly all (including the tutor) said they came away having learnt something new and all are well on their way to successfully completing the required assessment.

Next up is an ANZ Level 2 Sprints course being conducted by Brent Ward (coach of many athletes including top New Zealand sprinters Chris Donaldson and Dallas Roberts) in Hamilton mid-December. 

Plans are still trying to be put in place to bring a coach to New Zealand for an ANZ Level 3 course, and plans are also in place for a Coaches Conference during 2006.
Anita Sutherland
Secretary, NZACA

Congratulations, Coaches!

We are delighted to record that during 2005 (to 4th November) no less than 78 national records have been set by the athletes of Oceania, across 17 of the 19 countries involved in the Oceania Area.  The number of records set shows a slight increase over the 73 set in 2004.  Undoubtedly, further records will be set in the last few weeks of 2005!

Each national record, however modest some may be on the world stage, represents an indication of the development that is taking place in each nation, and across the Oceania Area.  As a record, it sets higher targets for succeeding generations of athletes to aim for and aspire towards, giving further inspiration to athletes when dreaming of what they might achieve.

The 78 records have been set by 44 individual athletes, giving a fair indication that many of the successful athletes were not content to sit back on their laurels, but continued to reassess their goals and set even higher standards for themselves.

We congratulate the athletes on their success.  Whilst it would be delightful to record the name of each coach involved with the athletes, sadly this information is not available to us.  The congratulations to coaches have, therefore to be a blanket one covering the group as a whole.  In doing this, we also recognise the part played in many an athlete’s development by supportive organisations such as the Oceania RDC, the IAAF HPTC – Oceania, OAA, and each athlete’s home national federation. 

To all, congratulations on a job well done!
Tony Rice
President, OACA

Advertising in OACA News

Do you want to advertise your business in OACA News?  Do you know anyone who might want to advertise in OACA News?  For full details about advertising in OACA News, including rates for individual issues or yearly volumes, please contact the Editor (details as on front cover).
Oceania Athletics Coaches Association Calendar
As at 1.11.05

November 5        French Polynesia Youth Carnival        PYF
November 19        Feria Carrefour    French Polynesia        PYF   
Nov 26 – Dec 4        Pacific School Games                Melbourne, AUS
December 1        Athletics Australia Telstra Zatopek Classic    Melbourne, AUS
December 10-11    New Zealand Secondary School Champs    Auckland, NZL
December 14         Porritt Classic                    Hamilton, NZL
    December 14-15    Micronesian Sub-Regional Champs        Saipan, NMA
December 17         Northsport Classic                North Shore City, NZL
December 18        AthleticA National Series Meet            Perth, AUS
January 4-18        IAAF Academy – Chief Coaches Course        Brisbane, AUS
January 6        Graeme Briggs Memorial            Hobart, AUS
January  6-8         North Island Colgate Games            Hamilton, NZL
January 13        Capital Classic & 3000 m Junior Champs    Wellington, NZL
January 14-21         Oceania Masters Track and Field Champs    Christchurch, NZL
January 19         Athletics New South Wales Series Meet        Sydney, AUS
January 21         Athletics New Zealand 10000 metres Champs    Inglewood, NZL
January 22        French Polynesia 10km Championships        PYF
January 27-28         New Zealand Track and Field Championships    Christchurch, NZL
February 2-5         Australian Track and Field Championships    Sydney, AUS
February 4        St Valentin Road Race                PYF
February 11        Tahiti Nui Marathon Moorea            PYF
February 18        Athletics Australia Invitational            Melbourne, AUS
February 18-19         Athletics New Zealand Union Combined Events    Manawatu, NZL
February 25-26        New Zealand Junior National Championships    Hamilton, NZL
March 4-7         New Zealand Masters Track and Field Champs    Wanganui, NZL
March 10-12        World Indoor Championships            Moscow, RUS
March 10-12        WCCC at World Indoor Championships        Moscow, RUS
March 18        La tahitienne                    PYF
March 19 -25        Commonwealth Games    (athletics events)    Melbourne, AUS
March23&25         OACA Coaches House at C’wealth Games     Melbourne AUS
March 26-27        South Island Secondary Schools T&F Champs    Christchurch, NZL
April 1-2 April        North Island Secondary Schools T&F Champs    Hastings, NZL
April 1-2        IAAF World Cross Country Championships    Fukuoka, JAP
April 28-29         Coca Cola School Games            Suva, FIJ
May 13-14        IAAF World Race Walking Cup            La Coruna, ESP
August 5        Athletics N Z Union Cross Country Champs    Stratford, NZL
August 15-20        IAAF World Junior Championships        Beijing, CHN
August 15-20        WCCC at IAAF World Junior Championships    Beijing, CHN
September 2        Athletics New Zealand Union Road Champs    Christchurch, NZL
September 9-10        IAAF World Athletics Finals            Stuttgart, GER
September 16-17    IAAF World Cup                Athens, GRE
October 7        IAAF World Road Race Champs            Debrecen, HUN
October 7        Athletics NZ Union Road Relay Championships    Fielding, NZL
December        2nd OACA Congress at Oceania Champs    Apia, SAM
December        OACA Coaches House at Oceania Champs    Apia, SAM       
December 14-16    Oceania Open and Under 18 Championships    Apia, SAM
July 18-22        IAAF World Youth Champs            Ostrava, CZE
July 18-22        WCCC at IAAF World Youth Champs        Ostrava, CZE
Aug 24 – Sept 2        IAAF World Athletics Championships        Osaka, JPN
Aug 24 – Sept 2        WCCC at IAAF World Athletics Championships    Osaka, JPN
tbc            3rd OACA Congress at South Pacific Games     Apia
tbc            OACA Council Meeting                Apia
New  Studies  in  Athletics

The annual subscription rate for New Studies in Athletics is currently US$65.00 per year.  From the first issue in 2006, the IAAF is making NSA available to Area Coaches Association members at the subsidised price of US$40.00 (AUS$50.00) per year for the four issues.  These rates include shipping costs.

The deadline for subscribing to New Studies in Athletics to receive the discounted offer from the IAAF has been extended.  The revised closing date is 29th December 2005.  Members who want to take advantage of the discount offer should use the form set out on page 11 of this issue of OACA Newsletter.
New Studies in Athletics is the IAAF’s quarterly magazine for everyone interested in coaches’ education, technical research, development information and bibliographic documentation.  Dedicated to the promotion of the latest practical, technical, and scientific track and field research around the world, New Studies in Athletics is published in March, June, September and December each year.

In taking this initiative, the IAAF is recognising the work and worth of OACA coaches.  It is of great benefit to our members, and further increases opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills of athletics coaching.

If you are serious about your coaching, New Studies in Athletics is the magazine you should be reading to keep you up to date.

Athletics International

Athletics International is offering special discounts to members of the Area Athletics Coaches Associations worldwide.  The offers are
➢    Annual subscription to Athletics International  from 1st January to 31st December 2006 at a cost of AUS$12.00 (regular price AUS$85.00)
➢    The Helsinki World Championships 2005 results issue at a cost of AUS$2.00
These rates, therefor, offer a significant saving for OACA Members.

Athletics International is produced and owned by Mel Watman and Peter Matthews in the UK.  It is published 26 times a year, with information worldwide based.   This publication is only available via the internet.

Athletics International contains –
➢    Results of all major championships, national championships, area championships, grand prixs, regular competitions, masters competitions, and so on;   
➢    National teams for championships (eg. world championships);
➢    Up-to-date information of doping violations, retirements, obituaries, and other bits and pieces.

The deadline for subscribing to Athletics International to receive the discounted offer has been extended.  The revised closing date is 29th December 2005.  Members who want to take advantage of the discount offer should use the form set out on page 11 of this issue of OACA Newsletter.

OACA Merchandise

OACA Polo Shirts are plain white, with the OACA logo prominently embroidered on the left breast.  Sizes available are from XS to XXXL.  The shirts cost AUS$30.00 each, plus a further AUS$5.00 for postage. 

OACA Caps are navy, with a gold band on the peak, and OACA logo prominently embroidered on the front of the crown.  One size fits all.  Cost of caps is AUS$15.00 each, plus AUS$3.00 for postage.

Place orders with the Secretary at OACA, c/- IAAF RDC Adelaide, P O Box 57, Kensington Park, SA 5068, Australia.  Payments should be made payable to “OACA”, by cheque from within Australia, or by Bank Draft in Australian dollars from outside Australia. 
New Chairman for IAAF Coaches’ Commission

Victor Lopez (Puerto Rico) has chaired his first meeting of IAAF Coaches’ Commission since his appointment as chairman by the IAAF President in August.   The meeting was held at IAAF headquarters in Monaco on 29th October.  Victor succeeds Igor Ter Ovanesian (RUS) as chairman.  Igor had resigned from the position after deciding it was time to change some of the directions in his life.  One of the legends of world long jumping, Igor Ter Ovanesian had held the post since the inception of the Commission late in 2003.

Victor Lopez is an inaugural member of the Coaches’ Commission, representing coaches of the North and Central America & the Caribbean Area as president of their Coaches’ Association.  He brings varied and rich experiences to his new position.  In addition to his Coaches’ Association role he is also a member of the IAAF ‘s Technical Committee, and until his retirement from business in July this year had been head womens coach at Rice University, Houston, USA for more than twenty years.

When opening the recent Coaches’ Commission meeting Victor Lopez stated that he can only be an effective chairman if he has the full support of his colleagues on the commission, and that each makes a full contribution to all of the commission activities. 

The meeting on 29th October addressed a wide range of issues, including
➢    Hearing reports of the wide range of activities being conducted by each Area Coaches Association, endeavouring to ensure coordination of some of their activities, and opportunities to share information between associations.
➢    Fostering national coaches’ associations.
➢    Financing area coaches associations.
➢    Reviewing progress of the Coaches Academy, and planning of future initiatives.
➢    Considering a report of the inaugural World Class Coaches Club activities in Helsinki, and planning a comprehensive programme for future activities which will encompass World Indoor Championships, World Junior Championships and World Youth Championships as well as the World Athletics Championships in this programme.
➢    Considering opportunities for recognition of coaches at a variety of levels, around the world.
➢    Seeking opportunities for accreditation of coaches at world athletics series events. 
➢    Considering opportunities for a better-coordinated approach to promoting the opinion of the coaching fraternity to proposals for changing IAAF Rules, especially their likely effects on athletes and their competitions.

The Coaches’ Commission was also able to formally meet with the IAAF Womens’ Commission, which was meeting in Monaco at the same time.   The brief time available allowed for some worthwhile discussion of matters of mutual interest.

OACA Coaches House, Commonwealth Games, March 2006

The Commonwealth Games will be held in Melbourne, Australia, from 15th to 26th March 2006, with the Athletics programme to be conducted from the 19th to the 25th.  More than seventy nations have indicated they will compete at this multi-sports gathering, which brings together the sports people of the British Commonwealth.

OACA is planning for a number of activities to be organised.   Local and visiting coaches (both from the Oceania Area as well as other parts of the world) will be welcomed to some ‘Coaches House’ programmes.  Activities are being planned for the mornings of Thursday 23rd March and Saturday 25th March.  Further details will be circulated to OACA Members early in the New Year, and in the next issue of OACA Newsletter.

Put these dates in your diary now if you plan to be in Melbourne for ‘The Friendly Games.’

OACA Membership Renewal

Membership for a large number of our Individual Members will expire at the end of 2005.  Membership renewal forms and information will be sent early in 2006 to all members whose membership is due to lapse, together with information on how they can make their renewals.

We are hoping, of course, that all will renew their Membership.  During 2005 a number of significant benefits have been made available to our members. These include the World Class Coaches Club package for attendance at the IAAF World Championships at Helsinki, and discounted subscriptions to the IAAF technical journal New Studies in Athletics, and the European based statistics and information publication Athletics International.  Further details of these benefits are reported in greater detail in other parts of this newsletter.  We hope that in 2006 further benefits can be negotiated, and made available to our members.

We will be pleased to receive comments from our members as to whether their membership reflects good value for money.  If you are not satisfied with the value of your membership, please tell us.  If you are satisfied, please tell your friends and colleagues, and encourage them to take out membership.  By increasing our membership base, we will be able to better negotiate for additional benefits and opportunities for our members.

Would all members please keep the OACA Secretariat informed of any change of address, including email, by contacting OACA Secretary Fletcher McEwen at any of his contacts noted on page 2?   This will ensure that all membership information, etc., reaches them without any unnecessary delays.
World Class Coaches Club

The first edition of the World Class Coaches Club (WCCC) was conducted during the IAAF World Championships in Helsinki.  A significant number of Oceania’s coaches took the opportunity to benefit from some or all of the opportunities on offer.

The concept was to provide a limited number of accreditations, plus special price accommodation, for coaches who are working with athletes at the championships, or who normally work with athletes at this level and wish to learn from the experience of the championships, even though their athletes are not competing; or aspire to working with athletes at this level and are developing the knowledge to do so by experiencing the championships.

The WCCC in Helsinki was a first opportunity to put the concept into a real-world experience.  As such, it was a learning experience for those responsible for its design and implementation!  As a result of this first edition, much has been learnt to enhance future experiences.  A number of suggestions were received during the championships from a variety of sources.  Some comments were general suggestions, others very specific opinions.  Some themes kept repeating, others were not shared by all present.

It has been resolved that future editions of the World Class Coaches Club will operate under the auspices of the IAAF, at the following championships –
➢    2006 World Indoor Championships        Moscow, Russia
➢    2006 World Junior Championships        Beijing, China
➢    2007 World Championships            Osaka, Japan
➢    2007 World Youth Championships        Ostrava, Czech Republic

Details of these activities will be advised in OACA Newsletter, and distributed to Individual Members of OACA and OAA Member Federations, when they become available.   
OACA Congress – Latest News

Members will recall that we were keen to reschedule the Congress, postponed from Palau in July, to a later date this year.  We had been seeking a location that would be financially manageable, and not run the Association into the heavy debt that would have occurred had we proceeded with the Palau venture.

However, one of our problems in rescheduling has been finding an activity in the Oceania Area to which a body of coaches from across the Area would be attending.  "Piggy-backing" the Congress onto another activity is really the only way that many of our members have any chance of getting to a Congress.  A number of possibilities were considered, including the OAA Grand Prix held in September, the Pacific Schools Games scheduled for the end of November and the beginning of December, and the Australian Schools Championships in December.  Unfortunately none promised to be attended by coaches (especially from the island federations) in any great numbers, and therefore did not really suit our purpose.  I have therefore had to take the decision to postpone the Congress into 2006.

I am pleased to advise that, after consultation with a number of people and groups, especially OACA Council, the postponed Congress will be conducted in Samoa during December 2006, at the time of the Oceania Championships.  Also to be conducted in conjunction with the Congress will be a meeting of OACA Council, the OACA Assembly of Members, an OACA Dinner, and (subject to approval of OAA) a Coaches Information Centre during the Championships

Tony Rice
President, OACA

Seasons Greetings
Tony Rice (President), Fletcher McEwen (Secretary),
and all Council Members of the Oceania Athletics Coaches Association
take this opportunity to wish all our members and supporters
the very best for the coming Festive Season,
and rewarding and successful coaching during 2006.

Stop Press:  Fletcher McEwen to Retire from Oceania RDC

The IAAF Oceania RDC has announced that its Director, Fletcher McEwen, will retire from his post at the end of December 2005.  Fletcher’s impact on the development of Oceania athletics during the more than fifteen years he has held the position has been enormous.  He can leave his Adelaide office with a feeling of pride and honour for the excellent work he has done throughout the Area for the sport he loves so much.

A full appreciation of Fletcher’s work will be included in the next issue of OACA Newsletter.

In the meantime, we can advise that Fletcher will continue in his dual role of Secretary and Treasurer to OACA in 2006 .
New Studies in Athletics Subscription Form

Members of OACA who wish to take advantage of the discounted subscription offer for New Studies in Athletics should complete the slip below and forward it with a cheque or money order for AUS$50.00, payable to ‘Oceania Athletics Coaches Association’ by 29th December 2005.  Please ensure all payments are made in Australian dollars.

to A L Rice,
President OACA,
9 Lionheart Street
QLD 4118

I wish to subscribe to New Studies in Athletics at the IAAF discounted rate for members of Area Athletics Coaches Associations, and enclose my payment.

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Athletics International  Subscription Form

Members of OACA who wish to take advantage of either or both discounted offers for Athletics International should complete the slip below and forward it with a cheque or money order (in Australian dollars) payable to ‘Oceania Athletics Coaches Association’ by 29th December 2005.

to A L Rice,
President OACA,
9 Lionheart Street
QLD 4118

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